Sunday, February 10, 2008

good tv tonight

Pride and Prejudice, Episode 1, starring Colin Firth, deliciously, as Mr. Darcy and Jennifer Ehle as Elizabeth Bennet. 8 p.m. CST

I've been watching the Sunday night Austen Fest off and on for the past month — saw Persuasion and Mansfield Park, missed Northanger Abbey and Emma. I own this particular BBC production on DVD (it was my first DVD purchase ever!), but I may tune in tonight anyway, just because.


Anonymous said...

There was an article about P & P in the Oregonian TV-Click. Jennifer Ehle is so beautiful! What a hot pair (her and Colin).

- Susanne

Anonymous said...

Definitely the better version of P&P than the most recent one. I saw Persuasion too on Masterpiece Theatre last weekend (VIOLINS!!!) and enjoyed it.

Unknown said...

OH lord...I know exactly what scene that still is taken from. *swoon* I could watch that production a hundred times and not get tired of it. How was the PBS production of Persuasion? I was interested in seeing that but didn't get to it.

Anonymous said...

Fannie in "Persuasion" was played by the actress who played the leading female in those new Dr. Who episodes that showed last fall on PBS. Although they were low-budget, I grew addicted to the storyline!

Emilie said...

Do you mean Fanny in Mansfield Park, Ellen? (Persuasion's heroine was Anne Elliott.) I think I read the actress who played Fanny used to be a pop star, too ...

V - Persuasion was good, but I didn't like the way they changed the ending. The whole writing of the letter and the way he does it right in the same room with her, then leaves, and she finds it ... none of that was there. The letter was delivered to her at home, and then she went out and found him. Not quite the same, and it kind of ruined it for me, since the ending of the book stands asone of my all-time favorites. The whole book was shortened up, I suppose, to make the show last an hour and a half.

Anonymous said...

You're right Em, it was Mansfield Park. Good thing you know your British arts!!