Saturday, August 16, 2008


There was a big, early-evening thunderstorm this week, and the sky was seriously this orange. I've never seen it quite like that before. It was eerie and exciting.


Almamay said...

Wow. Cool! I've seen the sky go that colour as well as a yellow-ish green before thunder storms but I've never seen a photo of it. My old cat Felix used to start crying when that sky turned that colour because he hated thunder storms. I never notice until he started acting funny and now I can notice the colour change.

Rebecca said...

That's beautiful. I don't remember that storm... I must have been at work or asleep and missed it. It was probably the latter.

Piccinigirl said...

what beautiful pictures, the world looks so different in a color like that. thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

That is beautiful! Especially the bottom picture. Looks like a painting. To think it was really that red!

- Susanne