Friday, September 19, 2008


Today's paper carried this good news about Sandra Cooley, about whom I wrote after reading of her plight on Sunday. I'm so happy that she has gotten through this bureaucratic nightmare and received official citizenship — which means she can now receive her Social Security disability payments. Ruben Rosario's update says:
Cooley, 59, is battling breast cancer that has spread to other organs. She underwent gamma-knife surgery this week to shrink five tumors in her brain. The monthly $422 in held-up benefits would help defray out-of-pocket medical expenses.
It sounds like at least one senator got involved in the case, maybe more. Now her family can concentrate on what's really important.


EDH said...
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EDH said...

Well, that's the first good thing I've ever heard Norm Coleman do. ;)

So happy it worked out!!