Wednesday, October 25, 2006

two months old

We celebrated Daniel's birthday today over lunch at a Mexican eatery in the new mall in Woodbury, then strolled around and looked at shoes at DSW. (The new Zippy is quite a smooth ride compared to his Snap 'N Go!) I bought a new pair of shoes — my feet are about a half size bigger (including wider) post-partum, so I am slowly having to rebuild my collection. Daniel is sporting a new pair of shoes, too — some green and blue Robeez with dinosaurs on them. They're so cute!

Here are some pictures for posterity ... gotta love those chubby cheeks! It's good to know he's eating well.


Laura said...

We love our Zippy... I hope your's works out well for you, too.

LOVE the new pics. Daniel is so cute!

LutherLiz said...

So cute! He's already grown so much in two months! Wow!

EDH said...

Ah, he is such a doll! Look at those cheeks!

I'm sniffling over here about your feet, though... ack. ;)

Anonymous said...

Happy Two Months to Daniel! He looks so precious and happy! :)

Cynthia said...

Oh man, Emilie, I loved those Robeez during those pre-walking days. I know that a lot of child experts say that a child doesn't need shoes for the first year. To me, a child just didn't look dressed, especially while wearing one of his cute dressier outfits, unless he had on shoes or really, nice, socks. I still cringe when I see a bearfoot "arm baby" out in public. Now, I walked around barefoot all the time this summer. I'm a hick.... what can I say.... (Smile)

Cynthia said...

You know, there are times when I look at a photo of Daniel and I see all Emilie. Then there have been some photos that you have posted where he looks exactly like Stephen. Today, I'm seeing both.
He is an adorable child who seems to have gotten the best of both of his parents.
He is such a cutie.

Soupy said...

You have one gorgeous baby on your hands! he is stunning to look at - he def. brings a smile to my face! What a joy and blessing!