Wednesday, March 28, 2007

that might explain the fever

So I was at ECFE class today, and I happened to stick my finger into Daniel's mouth by accident, and I discovered his first tooth! It's on the bottom front right. It must have just broken through this morning or overnight. I'm so excited; these little firsts just thrill me more than I ever expected!


kristine said...

yay!!! that is so exciting!! I can see Graycen's through her little gums right now! Anytime now!

Anonymous said...

My niece's teeth popped up like popcorn. Just one after another! Get ready!
Oh, the other day I babysat Kyra (14 months) & she's "sharing" her food. She offered me some of her potatoes and broccoli. She also has this really cool push-behind tricycle that is all-terrain. With a dad like my brother, Kyra's learning how to handle riding through ditches. She sees it coming & holds on tight to the handlebars & lifts up her little legs so he doesn't hit the side of the ditch going up! She absolutely loves all the bumping and grooving of "off roading."

Soupy said...

YAY for teefers!